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Star wars battlefront 2 reddit

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In Full Control and Lightning Reach combo together to keep the pressure on with his base lighting attacks, homing onto targets across long distances. Though Chain Lightning has been nerfed so as to no longer heal him per kill, he can still passively gain health through eliminations, just like the rest of the heroes and villains in Battlefront 2. Palpatine embodies the dark side of the force, hurling forth streams of Force Lighting to devastating effect. Related: Battlefront 2 Made Star Wars' Worst Gimmicks Cool

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Though he’s lacking in defense, he more than makes up for it with his offense and his three strong area-of-effect abilities. At one point there were so many complaints about how strong he was that DICE had to remove Emperor Palpatine from Battlefront 2 until they could properly balance him. Despite multiple nerfs to his abilities and his Star Cards, he remains one of the best picks for any situation, especially in trooper game modes. Since launch, Emperor Palpatine has been one of the strongest villains in the game. What she lacks in health she can make up for with her Droid Shield, which protects her from damage whenever she’s overwhelmed or caught off-guard. Its splash damage can break through a lightsaber block just as easily as it can deal AoE damage to large groups of troopers. This versatility extends to her effectiveness in all types of game modes: Stun Droid can freeze heroes and leave them vulnerable to her blaster fire, and her TL-50’s secondary fire is a game-changer in any mode. Throughout the story mode, Iden is able to swap between any weapons and abilities she encounters. This versatility and familiarity with various weapons is evident in Star Wars: Battlefront 2’s single player campaign. Iden’s real power, however, comes from her default rifle, the TL-50. Her Pulse Cannon is harder to use than Bossk’s Relby V-10, but with enough practice it can be just as effective. Iden Versio can use her Droid companion and three different weapon attacks to harass and bombard enemies at any range. Heavy gunners and Battlefront 2’s Clone Commandos can easily counter Grievous with a prolonged barrage of rapid-fire weapons from a distance. At that point, whether he lives or dies is completely dependent on whether his Claw Rush is on cooldown it’s his best means of escaping. Regardless of whether the player is using the Sith Trained Star Card, he can only strike with his sabers a few times before his stamina gauge is completely depleted. The problem with Grievous isn’t his abilities or his Star Cards it’s his inability to deflect blaster fire consistently and his incredibly low stamina. His Unrelenting Advance and Claw Rush can clear entire rooms if angled correctly, and Thrust Surge can close the distance with blaster heroes or pin down fleeing targets. The Separatists’ feared Droid Commander is a sight to behold, lumbering menacingly across the battlefield and cutting down any Clone Trooper foolish enough to get in his way. The inclusion of General Grievous was one of the most highly-anticipated features added via Star Wars: Battlefront 2’s Clone Wars updates. Maul’s Furious Throw is also difficult to aim, often missing the target, and feels redundant considering that Maul can more effectively close the distance with Spin Attack. This will immediately put the ability on cooldown unless players have the Flow Motion Star Card slotted in. Spin Attack is his most useful move, getting him up close and personal with enemies or away from excessive fire, but it still takes two successful hits of Spin Attack to kill an enemy trooper. Concentrated fire can take his low health pool down to nothing in seconds, especially if his abilities are on cooldown. Since his deflection ability is far worse than Darth Vader or Kylo Ren’s, Darth Maul’s best defense is not to get hit at all - something that’s easier said than done on larger maps or crowded modes.

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Related: Star Wars: Battlefront II Gets New Han Solo Content The hope was initially that Maul’s speed, agility and force powers would be enough to keep him alive on the battlefield, but his survivability is still low, even if players replace his Battlefront 2 model with Vin Diesel. With the latest updates that DICE made to the game, at least now Darth Maul can block with his lightsaber something he couldn’t do for the first eighteen months of the game.

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As one of the most memorable villains in the Star Wars franchise, it’s disappointing how underwhelming Darth Maul is in Battlefront 2.

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